Cochlear an Auditory Brainstrem Physiology, Faculty V
Carl-von-Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
How did the sensory and nervous systems of animals evolve within the context of their environment? What is the system capable of and what were the major evolutionary steps involved in achieving these capabilities? How do different evolutionary solutions to the same problem compare and what can we learn from this?
Our model for studying these basic questions is the auditory system of vertebrates. We are fascinated by the sensory elements of the inner ear, their development, and in the first stages of neural processing of auditory stimuli.
Type of institution:
Work focus:
Systemneurobiologie, Verhaltensneurobiologie
Carl von Ossietzky Strasse 9-11
26129 Oldenburg
0049 (0) 441-798-3563
Contact person:
Prof. Dr. Christine Köppl
Position / Activity: