M.Sc. in Neurosciences
Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
The MSc in the field of Neurosciences at the University of Bonn is a two-year research oriented, international study program. The curriculum is divided into modules, combining courses, lectures, seminars and laboratory work. During the first semester three compulsory modules (7.5 credit points (CP) each) provide the basics in the neurosciences. Additionally, students have to choose one elective module (7.5 CP each) during their first semester . In the second semester a fourth compulsory module propagates knowlegehirne in Statistics, Scientific writing and Research Ethics. Three elective modules (7.5 CP each) from different research fields complete the second semester. In the third semester students have to select two elective practical courses (15 CP each). Finally, in the 4th semester, the program is completed by writing the MSc Thesis (30 CP). See Curriculum for more details.
The major objective of the Master of Science in Neurosciences program is to train talented students in the
Type of institution:
Graduate School
Work focus:
Neuropharmakologie und -toxikologie
Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25
D-53105 Bonn
0049 228-287-11837
Contact person:
Dr. Ines Nauroth
Position / Activity: