Prof. Dr. Ute Deichmann


Ute Deichmann received her Ph.D. (Dr.rer.nat.) at the University of Cologne, Institute of Genetics, in 1991; her thesis was on the history of biology in Nazi Germany (supervisor Benno Müller-Hill). Her current position is at the Leo Baeck Institute in London, as Research Professor and co-leader of the research project on Jews in German-speaking academia. Through frequent guest professorships she is also affiliated with Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel, where she is involved in the development of the Masters Programme in Medical Humanities. Deichmann was the 1996-97 Edelstein International Fellow in the History of Chemical Sciences and Technologies, Philadelphia and Jerusalem, recipient of the Ladislaus Laszt Award of Ben Gurion University of the Negev (1995), and of the Gmelin Beilstein Medal of the German Chemical Society (2005).

Work focus:
Neurowissenschaften Allgemein


Position / Activity:
Director of the Jacques Loeb Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences der Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Publications in science journals


Biologen unter Hitler. Vertreibung, Karrieren, Forschung, Frankfurt 1992: Campus. Second edition: Biologen unter Hitler. Portrait einer Wissenschaft im NS-Staat, Frankfurt 1995: Fischer.
Biologists under Hitler, Cambridge, London 1996: Harvard University Press, (a revised and enlarged version of Biologen unter Hitler, translated by Thomas Dunlap).

Flüchten, Mitmachen, Vergessen. Chemiker und Biochemiker im Nationalsozialismus, Weinheim 2001: Wiley/VCH.

Ed. (with S. Wenkel), Max Delbrück and Cologne. An Early Chapter of German Molecular Biology, 2007: World Scientific.

Ed. (with U. Charpa), Jews and Sciences in German Contexts. Case Studies from the 19th and 20th Centuries, Tübingen 2007: Mohr-Siebeck.

Recent papers:

Challenging the protein dogma of the gene: Oswald T. Avery ? a revolutionary conservative, in Oren Harman and Michael Dietrich (eds.), Rebels of Life: Iconoclastic Biologists of the Twentieth Century, New Haven 2008: Yale University Press, in print.

„Molecular“ versus „Colloidal“ Biology and Biochemistry: Controversies, 1900?1940, Bulletin for the History of Chemistry, 2007, in print.

(with Ulrich Charpa) Jewish Scientists as Geniuses and Epigones ? Scientific Practices and Attitudes towards them: Albert Einstein, Ferdinand Cohn, Richard Goldschmidt, Studia Rosenthaliana, in print.

Politik und Forschung: Heinrich Wieland und andere Chemiker in der NS-Zeit, in Sibylle Wieland, Anne-Barb Hertkorn, Franziska Dunkel (Hg.), Heinrich Wieland (1877 bis 1957), Wiley 2007, in print.

(with Anthony S. Travis), Entry on Ernst David Bergmann, New Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 2007, in print.

(with Simone Wenkel), Entry on Carl Neuberg, New Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 2007, in print.

Problems, Phenomena, Explanatory Approaches ? Introduction by the Editors, in Charpa and Deichmann, Jews and Sciences in German Contexts (2007), pp. 3-36.

'I Detest his Way of Working'. Leonor Michaelis (1875-1949), Emil Abderhalden (1877-1950) and Jewish and non-Jewish Biochemists in Germany, in Charpa and Deichmann, Jews and Sciences in German Contexts (2007), pp. 101-126.

Empiricism and the Discreteness of Nature: Ferdinand Cohn (1828-1998), the Founder of Microbiology, in Charpa and Deichmann, Jews and Sciences in German Contexts (2007), pp. 39-50.

A Brief Review of the Early History of Genetics and its Relationship to Physics and Chemistry, in Wenkel and Deichmann, Max Delbrück in Cologne. An Early Chapter of German Molecular Biology (2007), pp. 3-18.

Botaniker und Zoologen der Universität Heidelberg, in Wolfgang U. Eckart et al. (eds.), Die Universität Heidelberg im Nationalsozialismus, Heidelberg 2006: Springer Verlag.

Vertrauen, Betrug und Politik: Proteinforschung in Deutschland während der NS-Zeit, in Expeditionen in die Wissenschaft, Weinheim 2006: Wiley-VCH, pp. 21-37.

'Dem Duce, dem Tenno und unserem Führer ein dreifaches Sieg Heil!' Die Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft und der Verein deutscher Chemiker in der NS-Zeit, in Dieter Hoffmann and Mark Walker (eds.), Physiker zwischen Autonomie und Anpassung. Die Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft im Dritten Reich, Weinheim 2006: Wiley-VCH, pp. 459-498.

Biochemie an den Reichsuniversitäten in Straßburg und Posen. Wissenschaft, Betrug und Verbrechen, in Christian Baechler et al. (eds.), Les Reichsuniversitäten de Strasbourg et de Poznan et les résistances universitaires, 1941-1944, Strasbourg 2005: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, pp. 127-141.

La biologie et la chimie á Reichsuniversität de Strasbourg entre 1941-1945. Science ou idéologie national-socialiste? in Elisabeth Crawford and Josiane Olff-Nathan, (eds.), La science sous influence. L' université de Strasbourg enjeu des conflits franco-allemands 1872-1945, Strasbourg 2005: Editions de la Nuée Bleue, pp. 275-287.

Jewish Refugee Scientists, in Thomas Adam (ed.) Germany and the Americas. Culture, Politics and History, Santa Barbara 2005: ABC-Clio Transatlantic Series, pp. 575-586.

Early Responses to Avery's et al.?s 1944 Paper on DNA as Hereditary Material, Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 34:2, 207-233, 2004.

(with Anthony S. Travis), A German Influence on Science in Mandate Palestine and Israel: Chemistry and Biochemistry, Israel Studies 9.2, 34-70, 2004.

(with Ulrich Charpa) Vertrauensvorschuß und wissenschaftliches Fehlhandeln ? Eine reliabilistische Modellierung der Fälle Abderhalden, Goldschmidt, Moewus und Waldschmidt-Leitz, Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 27, 187-204, 2004.

Erfolg und Fachdisziplin ? Juden in Chemie und Biomedizin in Deutschland bis 1933, Yearbook of the Simon Dubnow Institute 3, 269-292, 2004.

(with Ulrich Charpa) Jews in the Sciences „ Sciences and the Jews “ The 19th and 20th Centuries, in Yearbook of the Simon Dubnow Institute 3, 149-159, 2004.

Proteinforschung an Kaiser-Wilhelm-Instituten 1930-1950 im internationalen Vergleich, Preprint of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (2004).

Politische Ökologie, biologische, chemische und medizinische Umweltforschung in der NS-Zeit, Acta Historica Leopoldina 39, 117-134, 2004.

Chemists and Biochemists during the National Socialist Era, Angewandte Chemie, Inter-national Edition, 41, 3000-3018, 2002.

Emigration, Isolation and the Slow Start of Molecular Biology in Germany, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33, 433-455, 2002.

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev


The Jacques Loeb Centre for the History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences

Work focus:
Neurowissenschaften Allgemein

Building 39
84105 Beer Sheva

(+972) 8 6472258

